Saturday, January 11, 2014

Sooo... my first day blogging.
I have many reasons for this blog.

1. This way the world can have a record of my steps to the moment where I change the world for the better.     Kind of like Diary of a Wimpy Kid, except money and fame is not my aim. I'm virtuous that way.
2. Some people in this world cause me a little inconvenience. In my blog I will include all those annoying           things so those people will stop doing those uncomfortable things. If they read my blog, that is.
3. I'm kind of an aspiring writer so this a good place to practice my writing skills.

So this blog has a quite a lot of advantages.

That's it for today actually. I'm seriously tired after having a girl's day out. It was fun, but did cause fatigue. So I need to sleep.

-Fatma Abedi